Better understand your processes with our SIPOC Tool Templates in PPT

SIPOC Tool Description
What it is and why use it?
SIPOC is an acronym used for Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Customer:
- Suppliers provide inputs to the process
- Inputs are resources used by the process
- Process is the high-level sequence of activities that produces the output
- Outputs are the tangible products or services that are produced by the process
- Customers are the users of the outputs
SIPOC gives you a one-page depiction of how the given process is servicing the customer.
It also provides an overview and establishes the boundaries of a process.
And finally, it gives initial insights into the vital inputs of a process that have a significant impact on the outputs.
When and where to use?
- To build common understanding of the end-to-end process among stakeholders and team members.
- To understand the high-level view of an end-to-end process when commencing an improvement initiative.
- SIPOC helps to understand a process at a high level before going into the detail.
- Avoid having intended improvements on the SIPOC. It should always represent the current state.
- Consider having Critical-to-Quality (CTQ) requirements for inputs, process and outputs.
Click on the image below to download our SIPOC Tool Templates in Powerpoint: